Sunday, March 25, 2012

Fake Cards.... Wha?!?!?!

So I had a little mishap yesterday. I was at a dollar store with my gf and as she was paying for whatever crap she was getting, I saw some packs of Pokemon cards and thought they might be a cool booster opening for my Youtube channel, plus is needed some change. These packs were a buck each, and I thought "Score!" and didnt think of anything else mainly because they were cards form an older expansion ( one of the HeartGold and SoulSilver expansions). I grabbed four of them, since that seems to be a good amount, and went on my merry way. After getting home, and examining the packs, something felt off, really off, like there was a lack in quality, YES even from the packs! One possibility that crossed my mind was that they were older and may have been sitting, un-bought, for a while. But by looking at them closer, I began to realize that these were not looking to be a good purchase...

I opened one pack to test out, and thought I would just use the last three for a new video, and what i found surprised me, and somewhat shocked me. The first card I could see was a poliwag, something seemed very different about the card in general though, and thats when I noticed the massive amount of HP, 400 something (I'll update this once I put pics and a review up), which was astonishing for a common card. Thats when I realized these packs were counterfeit.

All was not lost though, I dont have very many knockoffs of real products so this is kinda cool, and somewhat collectible. The quality of the cards is horrendous, especially the holos, which arent all that holo at all. I guess the lesson here today is to be wary when the price is so low. Either way' I'll be doing a video review and scans of the cards in the hopefully near future.

1 comment:

  1. Ohno, I don't know which one to comment on 'cause there are 2 about fake cards! :(. Just know that I hope to win a code. xD.

