So the last post I had said that I accidentally purchased some packs of counterfeit cards, and this post will be a review of those cards.
First off will be the Holos:
These didnt turn out well from scanning, the reason being that it was like scanning a mirror. The "foil" isnt very foil like, compared to real the real cards. The ink used on them really reminds me of the first release of the base set holos, very easy to scratch off. The fake holos are also not the same size as the rest of the cards, and the rounded corners arent very "round". Lastly the fake holos a warped, warped beyond belief, they came out of the packs curved, and curved they will most likely stay.
The cards overall:
Not being a player of the PKMN TCG, I would say that these cards would be amazing to battle with... mainly due to the exaggerated amount of HP they have. The HP ranges in amounts from 400 and up, why? I have no idea why the counterfeiters would do that. These cards would be great if they would have regular HP, and if the HP reflected on the attack damage (which is insanely low).
The Packaging and card back:
Im not sure how well the scan shows it off, but the color is way off on the card backs. Now the Packaging is where you can find out if the cards you may be purchasing are legit or not. The Undaunted packaging is one of the fake packs, and you can tell from the pokemon logo. The pokomon logo is discolored for one, and two its a bit blurry when compared to the official card packs (the next destines one). Secondly, the the ends of the packaging are brittle and already ripping (which I suppose made it easier to open the cards, unlike the child proof real packs).
The cards are fine for collectible purposes, not that I'm going to go out and get more, but in the sense that these few cards I have are a great gag to show to people.
Thats if for this brief review, the cards dont really offer much considering they are fake. Im hoping to get some reviews of the Next Destines set up in the next couple of weeks ( provided school permits me to do so). In the mean time, check out my YOUTUBE channel for booster openings.
Later all